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"Poetry is the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." Leonard Cohen

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Learning the Lines

The lines in your palm predict the way your life will go
The lines in your face tell the way your life has gone
But the most important lines are the ones you say
Every day that aren’t written anywhere but make up
The fabric and weft and weave of the play that is what
Ultimately turns out to be the poem that is your life
If you are one of the fortunate ones, you learn early
Some of the phrases that work well to help keep peace
In your home, in your heart, in your family but don’t
Make you sell out your soul in the process; you learn
Your lines as if they are a part of you and one day, they
Will be; you will make sense of the lines and life will
become easier all round, once you begin learning
the lines.

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