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"Poetry is the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." Leonard Cohen

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Were I the praying type, I would want to say thank you
for so many things I am fortunate to have
I know, for instance, just how lucky I am to have that man
right over there,
Yes - that's the one...he,  who loves me like crazy
Who always has and always will, and tells me so, each
and every day
I know what a difficult person I am, not only to love, but
especially to live with
Oh - I'm not a criminal, I'm not even a nasty person...but I
do come with some pretty elaborate baggage
And my love has not only helped me tote these bags, he's
been with me at many of the stops along the way
When I've needed to off-load some of them, or actually
unpack them - he's stayed right beside me

In addition to being thankful for this man who is my
partner in every meaningful way,
I'm also grateful for the father he was when we were raising
our girls -- especially during the times I had to be away,
working on going through some of the afore-mentioned baggage
He is still the most wonderful father, I've ever known, even if our
children don't always reflect our combined parenting skills
-- more a function of my shortcomings than anything he has or
hasn't done, this I do know
My gratitude extends to being appreciative for still being alive
and healthy enough to enjoy the love of an exceptional man

In a complicated way, I am grateful too, for both of our children -
two much loved daughters who I used to describe as being both
the sunshine and the thunder in our lives
One has had perhaps the hardest year of her young life...a divorce
from a man she still loves but cannot stay married to, her choice:
but not made lightly, and so not easily...and the total ostracism from
her sister's life because of her choice; her one-time best friend,
her sister has cast her out of her life and out of her nephews' lives
as well
Ostracism - such an ugly word, yes?
Much as I love our second daughter, the eldest, it is she who has
brought the thunder to our lives this year
And while I am thankful that she is still physically healthy - at least
I assume she is— I have no proof
She has also ostracized her father and I, from her life, entirely
And from her family's as well...I give thanks for our grandsons who
we no longer get to see
I am grateful that we are healthy enough, I hope, to wait...
Perhaps she will come to her senses in time to see her way out...

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