So much has happened
More than in verse I can name
But, I will put some things here
for those who want to see
Hope my writing makes my life clear
Actually, I took part in a blog tour recently that explains much more eloquently and quickly than I could now, what I've been up to and how I feel about it so here that is...again...
The tour included four questions we needed to answer and they were very helpful at least to me in explaining what it is I do and why...
1.What are you currently working on?
I love writing, that's always been true. It's only been the last half dozen years that I've realized I love having my writing—especially poetry—read, and/or, heard, or both. To that end, I know that I need to get my work published and so I guess what I'm currently working on is perfecting my craft in various areas so that I can become published in the journals that I feel will best suit my work.
Why these journals? Because ultimately, if I become published in enough quality journals, and/or win enough contests or awards, I should theoretically have enough clout to get a chapbook published and eventually a full-size poetry book.
How is it working out so far? Not bad. Some wins contest-wise, and quite a few publications (placed in the Free Fall literary journal so was published there - and paid!; plus had my work "etched in stone" by winning a neighbourhood sidewalk contest, and again, received an honourarium!)...Still not as many as I'd like of course but...I like to think I'm on my I'm staying the course...
Winner, 2013 Tom Howard Prize for Poetry | "Table for Three"
Winner, 2013 Tom Howard Poetry Contest
one of Edmonton's ubiquitous bunnies on our front lawn
our aging wolf border-collie cross, Farley
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Since genre refers to a distinctive style or category and I'm not sure I've discovered what mine is yet, it would be difficult for me to say how mine differs from others of any genre.
Poets and others talk about writers finding their unique voice and I think that's something I'm still striving to do; find the language I'm comfortable using, and yet choosing words that best suit what it is I'm trying to say, in the most effective way.
I know that when I've had my work critiqued (which is happening more often of late, and is something I appreciate and try to experience whenever possible) it's been pointed out rather consistently that I write about death and loss in a way that "is deeply personal yet accessible" (quote from recent critique).
It wouldn't be a stretch to say my work is often dark, and also frequently deals with the disenfranchised—the mentally ill, the homeless, the suicidal—those living on the fringes of society, marginalized. It's rare that I write poems that are considered uplifting, and it's not because I lead an unhappy life -- quite the opposite -- it's just not where my poetic muse tends to take me.
OH, EXCEPT, EXCEPT...I DO HAVE ONE SET OF INSPIRATIONS THAT TEND TO LEAD ME TO A FUN, SUNNY, OPTIMISTIC PLACE...Did I suspect I'd be an uber-grandma? I don't know that I gave it much thought before hand...Am I? Definitely. Hopefully not in an annoying way, but in the "I would throw myself under a bus for any one of these boys" way, but in lieu of that...I am the laid-back grandma that you can tell anything, that loves to laugh but is also pretty strict...go figure.
This James at 3... |
The newest "J" - Jude at "0" as he G'pa says |
Sharon- what a delight to find your comment on my. It is such a comfort to find you holding a light for the losses. You may write of the darkness but you have something that keeps it from being overwhelming. So glad you have your wonderful grandchildren in your life and a husband gets up in the morning while you sleep. Congrats on your poems finding new homes. Stay well. Teri
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Teri!