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"Poetry is the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." Leonard Cohen

Sunday, April 13, 2014


A note to my most remarkable one
Tomorrow ends my time on earth alone
We join together for indeed all time
Start married life, our years sublime

Before family, mates, spirits too              
I'll promise my heart to thee
There's nowt on the planet we won't do
When you walk eternally with me

So  my troth,
      my wife,
          my life.

Source: The Boston Globe, April 13, 2014 - announcing the marriage of Elizabeth Griffin Crowley and Benjamin Franklin Sprayregen who married on April 6.2014 (I don't know about others but I found it extremely hard to find a newspaper that publishes wedding announcements...the Globe was about my 20th attempt. However, I thought this couple provided excellent names for the poem...only left out 5 letters of the alphabet!)

An Oulipian epithalamium, or marriage song, is one composed
exclusively with the letters of the names of bride and groom
(bride and bride, groom and groom, etc). Visit the engagement or
wedding announcements section of your newspaper and select a
couple. Write a poem using only words that can be made with the
letters in their name. You may choose to use first names only if
you prefer anonymity or full names if you’re desperate for more

1 comment:

  1. Where in the world did you find it??? I use the Globe, and did not find anything for today - I used a set of names from a week ago (online). Bravo for your fine sleuthing, and for creating a poem in the spirit of the form1


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