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"Poetry is the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." Leonard Cohen

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


A labour scenario right out of Monty Python
left out as its fate is debated by diplomats
Tensions sweep cities in eastern regions
Radicals take hostages hostile to rule
from capital

How do nicotine and caffeine fit into all this--
Which protein are we looking at -- immunity to
pseudo-science-- back to the drawing-board
What's the next step; what's the catch
Battle for control, good balance in views
Relief over views? Hardly
All wet on this one

Unions insist everything's fine with public sector
Dogged determination, plenty of old boys' clubs
Plans for four way talk, threatens additional sanctions

Education reforms nonsense
Harassment of teacher continued
Shell game with funding,
coup has power, plus,
Living in the right place to survive a zombie apocalypse

Wednesday, April 9 - Headlines (variation of Jean Queval's "Cent Ons")
Compose a poem whose body is sourced from article headlines in your newspaper.

Source: Edmonton Journal - Wed.Apr.9.2014 - headlines from almost all sections throughout the paper, various articles, scrambled by me - pretty thoroughly.

1 comment:

  1. Bring on the zombies. There is definitely a motif running through several people's poems.


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